FUCK! GET THE HELL OUT! It's How I feel when the negative thoughts are swarming about, don't know what to do, or where to run or if I should hide, grit my teeth and push or lay down to cry. I'm breaking inside, faking a smile just to portray I'm fine, will I ever be? Am I a lost cause undeserving of anything? Will I always be a fuck up or a criminal? Will I be successful in life? Or will I give up and become miserable? Am I wanted? Are you lying? If you are don't waste my time please, I've been forgotten or left before it's probably not going to be the last time. I just wish people could feel and experience like me, or vice versa to get a glimpse of what each other is unable to see, maybe one day it will be achieved used by all humanity, so we can realize who and how we really are, not guess or settle only trusting someone else's description, see our potential and trust in our hearts, able to grow into a non anxious normal depiction.
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