The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:22 am

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I started writing poetry at age 15, and began performing when I turned 18. I used to regularly attend Wirral Ode Show Poets but for personal reasons had to stop going. Looking to get back into writing and performing. My work has been published in a newsletter, and several anthologies, but i'm always looking for new opportunities to promote my work. Aside from writing, I sing in a local choir.


For the Fallen Emptiness A shell Broken Alone he stands In the shadow Of his heart Shrouded In a veil Of misery Weeping For the Fallen Eyes become crystallised By the memories Of those gone before Flowers New life Bloom Where the past Joins the present Becomes the future Plant-life now grows Light Silver shining Loneliness A glow Flowing of brightness, blinding He walks towards…

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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winston plowes

Wed 3rd Mar 2010 23:35

Hi There Scion, Enjoyed reading 'for the fallen' tonight. winston

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David Franks

Tue 15th Jul 2008 11:15

Is "Soleil" a folk band, Scion?

Malcolm Saunders

Mon 9th Jul 2007 09:33

Hi Scion

Good to see you and your work on WOL. I have always enjoyed listening to you at the Wirral Ode Show. I must try to get along there again soon.

Keep posting.

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Fri 6th Jul 2007 22:48

Hello there!
So far I've read two of your poems and can't fault them in the slightest way. Hope that you continue posting on the WOL message Boards!!

<Deleted User> (7790)

Fri 6th Jul 2007 19:59

Hi, Scion. What a beautiful, delicate poem -- 'in the shadow of his heart' -- the regeneration of spirit and the fragility of life. Wonderful! And you're a trained CSI? That must be gruelling/fascinating work. All power to your poetry!

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