Scriptstuff Poetry
Updated: Sat, 7 Apr 2018 04:22 pm
I have always written. In the early years I shaped my craft through the wealth of experience gained from submissions, meetings, workshops, competitions and training from places like the BBC, Scriptapalooza, The First Film Foundation, Portman Productions and Zoetrope, always focussing on scriptwriting for film and television. In later years I have continued to develop this while finding new inspiration to write stageplays and poetry for theatre and performance. I am now seeking to immerse myself further in professional creativity, anchoring myself with my writing but hoping to fully experience the diversity, joys and rewards on offer from all corners of the artistic spectrum.
A video of this poem "The Second Question" filmed on the night-time streets of Leicester city centre, received over 1000 views on Facebook within just two or three weeks of posting it live. Which is nice. The Second Question. I’m a non-British resident, transgender working pensioner I’m a means-tested, mixed race, unpaid contracted support-worker I’m a non-white, gender fluid, single parent lesbian I’m a child of Muslim parents, asexual, agnostic churchgoer Review my application Process my claim Specify my future But struggle with my name Confirm my entitlement Deal with my request Govern my choices Decide what happens next I’m an angry retired socialist considering private medicine I’m a genius adolescent who’s been taught to hate society I’m a childless unemployed father with some kids who call me Dad I’m a dyslexic mature student filling forms in for a loan Rejected. Deferred. Your final word. Approved. Denied. You decide. Adopted? Non-practising? Queer? Two mothers? Just put "Other". Tick the box, Judged by a social paradox Oh how I want to fit in To be happy and successful just doing my thing You ask, I answer But what can I do If the second question always means I have to justify myself to you? The video is here on Facebook:
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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