I was born under a bridge, left without thoughts of tomorrow. No one shed a tear or showed any forms of sorrow. The system did what they could, but they didn't stand a chance. She gone grow up like her momma, either prostitute or dance. They didn't know the plan that GOD had for me. Never once realized that the caged bird just needed to be set free. free from societies realities......
show you my work?
when you say show me your work is it more like show me your mind? you want to pick at my brain and see what you find. you want me to type out my thoughts give you a glimpse of my dreams. run around in my nightmares, duplicate my schemes. You say show me your work, yet I have nothing to show. Im still just a seed I haven't had time to grow. my thoughts are still simple I haven't grasp depth. most of my thoughts are scattered and filled with regret. When the words that form in my head run down my fingertips onto these keyboard chips. That will finally be the day .. youll see my work.
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