The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Simon Widdop

Updated: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 04:20 pm


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''The Oracle Of Ossett'' Peter Haney - Yorkshire Penguin Posse ''encapsulates a great deal of how it feels to live in a post-truth, post-caring Britain''...''the sight of one Yorkshireman summoning the energy of a whole Green Day concert at a poetry night isn't something you forget in a hurry'' Genevieve L Walsh - Spoken Weird ''full of working class character but crafted with an expertise of someone who has dedicated themselves to the art, is as captivating in substance as it is in delivery'' Steven B Williams - Author of Heartsnare Hailing from Ossett, West Yorkshire, Simon writes and performs poetry that blends a healthy mixture of Northern humour with a lashing of punk attitude and a dash of kitchen sink realism. Simon's debut poetry collection Sending A Drunk Text Whilst Sober was released in April 2018 on Plastic Brain Press. He also has been published in print in the New River Press Yearbook 2017/18, Paper And Ink Zine, Glove Zine, We Shall Overcome: The Anthology and Nymphs & Thugs Soapbox as well as online at DryLandLit Press, Estorica Magazine and Wildsound Festival (USA). Over the years, he has performed across the nation at nationally recognised poetry events and festivals, was a Leeds Leider poet in 2018, supported Sabrina Benaim on her UK Tour in 2018 and was commissioned to curate the spoken word stage at Long Division Festival the same year. In addition he has opened for several bands including The Tuts and Joe Solo.  In 2017, Simon helped to found Truth Be Told. A poetry group that aims to engage and enable all voices in the Wakefield area to be heard through poetry and spoken word.


Forecast 00:57am Pressed ear to the shipping forecast missing the cosy comfort of bed time company out there on the Humber on the Thames kindred souls softly pine in a low frequency on the long wave Those Haunted Nights Thinking back, clear as day to those nights you'd sit beside and watch the pixel undead, the resident PlayStation horror How you'd terrify yourself be afraid to walk the landing stairs in case the blocky corpse would pre-scripted, pounce from behind the bathroom door Fast forward You fascinate with the way of how the likes of Savini and Nicotero put the pieces together and bring the undead to life the nightmares you conquered when you looked into those modern Frankenstein's laboratories

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 12th Aug 2016 23:21

thanks once again for the supportive comment on '...old lamp' Simon - I feel guilty when I use an e-reader - it feels like cheating on a proper book - always leaves me feeling cheap and dirty... *wink*

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 10th Jul 2016 13:03

thanks for your continued supportive comments on 'Lady Liberty Weeps' Simon

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 28th Jun 2016 15:40

Oh shucks mate - just come across your kind comments on 'a peaceful warrior' too - really appreciate your comments - sorry for my tardiness

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 28th Jun 2016 15:33

thanks for commenting on 'Xenophobe' Simon - I'm in catch up mode at the moment since my holidays - so only just checked out the site when I was posting a new blog - appreciate it mate

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 3rd Jun 2016 23:34

aye up Simon - nice to see you on here - now get blogging some poetry mate - Ian

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