The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Siobhan MacMahon

Updated: Thu, 20 Oct 2016 04:34 pm

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Siobhan is Irish Performance Poet living in Yorkshire. The live experience and embodiment of the Spoken Word is at the heart and centre of her work. Her poems, powerful and often funny, celebrate and explore our sacred connection and belonging to the Earth. Siobhan has been writing and performing her poetry, collaborating with other artists and creating Spoken word projects for over 20 years. She performs widely in England, Ireland and Europe. She has combined Spoken Word with music, dance, art and with film, working with poets and artists from many different backgrounds and cultures. Projects include -The Mouth of the Cave, Voices of Women, Calling Down The Moon and Echoes of a Spiritual Nature. She is actively involved in the 100 Thousand Poets for Change ( worldwide movement. Her recent multi-lingual poetry film Forgotten Memory has been shown at the Cork Film Festival and at the Cyclops Film Festival, Ukraine. - Her poetry has been published both online and in print – most recently in a Bloodaxe/ Raving Beauties Anthology – Hallelujah for 50 Foot Women. Siobhan runs writing and performance workshops, focusing on poetry as a tool for self- expression, healing and creative growth.


OPENING PRAYER You will begin again to trust the sound of the sea calling you and feel a ripple of response - the answering cry of your soul’s body, echo through you like a prayer. You will begin again to breathe in rhythm with the earth moving beneath your feet, moaning in her ecstasy - a psalm written in the body of your soul. And you will remember the opening prayer of a child’s birth moving through you like a dark river, in a line ancient and unbroken spanning the oceans of time. And you will know me here with you, dancing to the same beat on the same shore Dark currents pulling us home. Siobhan Mac Mahon

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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