someone you don’t know right now
Updated: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 01:15 am
writing sometimes. i like words. if you quote or speak any of my work, you can use the name Flora Abberton to credit (:
you and those you talk to
oh the way the warmth of day slowly caresses this whole other world of dark, cold, lovely silence. the moon of all things shining into your dreams and out of every steady breath you take a warm summers night and a day to hold to heart, no one knows why why the moon loves to shimmer at night or how the stars seem to come and go as they please for no one truly knows why the sun grazes across your dainty face when you step outside of your dreams and into day because all you have is you, you and those you talk to
my tumblr
find me and my poems on tumblr @someoneyoudontknowrightnow if you have any questions or want to support me on there! thank you in advance.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by someone you don’t know right now
the moon knows more than us. (03/10/2020)
the universe moves without us now (06/08/2020)
Perhaps it was cinnamon (21/07/2020)
it’s mostly sadness, overall (21/07/2020)
Numb. (21/07/2020)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/someoneyoudon’tknowrightnow
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<Deleted User> (13740)
Mon 20th Jul 2020 05:09
Angel wings, step over me, not haunting but helping me x