The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:01 am

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SPOZ…because it’s easier than his real name, ‘GIOVANNI ESPOSITO’ and happens to be the bit between the ‘E’ and the ‘ito’ (sort of). SPOZ…is an award winning performance poet, singer / songwriter, film maker, playwright, carp re-upholsterer and is the poet-in-residence at Birmingham City FC. He has been seen on BBC Television, has been heard on BBC Radio Four, Radio Five Live, Radio West Midlands, Radio Coventry & Warwickshire, Capital Gold and on the toilet. Spoz has performed at the Glastonbury festival, Cheltenham Literature festival, Warwick Words festival, Ledbury Poetry Festival, Bartons Arms Comedy Club, the Shambala festival and in front of his mom. “Spoz takes run-of-the-mill and real life scenarios, beats them with a blunt instrument and flushes them down the bog of the spoken word. Roger McGough meets Billy Connolly” – Warwick Words Festival. “You’ll be up for a bostin good laugh…more please!” – Edinburgh Three Weeks. SPOZ…was ‘crowned’ Birmingham’s eleventh poet laureate (yes, we’ve had eleven!) in October 2006. He continues to work extensively in schools, lifting the appeal of writing and performing poetry to hitherto, unseen heights. “I would thoroughly recommend Spoz to bring poetry alive in your school”- Sharon Taylor, Head of English, Birchensale Middle School, Worcestershire.


Disco Dad Disco dad is on the floor, He’s had a drink or three or four, The guests are heading for the door As disco dad puts lives at risk, He twists and nearly slips his disc. He’s going to put his back out, He’s going to have a black out And embarrass me even more than he is doing His toupee needs a bit of gluing As he jumps and jives in his blue suede shoe…ing. Disco dad don’t care for fashion Got his flares from the local cash ‘n’ … … carry, With his best mate Barry, Whose dress sense is as bad as his. “You kids don’t know what real music is! Back in my day, bands could play, None of this techno … techno …techno … notice.” Yes dad, Thanks dad. Now shut up and sit down before we put you in a home.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Estelle Zaire

Sat 17th May 2008 09:37

Disco dad is on the floor!! - Great, lovely and reminds me of someone I know! :) Great stuff!

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