Tanya Zhuk
Updated: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 04:34 pm
I am a dreamer, believer, cat lover, volleyball player, traveler, writer, low key chef, beach bum and a little bit of everything else in between. I am a lover of Poetry. It allows me to create my own language in expressing how I feel and the way I portray my ideas. Enjoy & feel free to leave a comment!
As the 2019 approached, I couldn't believe how fast it flew by. It got me thinking on the topic of TIME From a minute to an hour that turns months into a year It calculates the day you're born and reminds you when the end of near It can feel so indefinite or rapidly be ceased It's inevitable, it's unstoppable, irreversible to say the least It keeps moving forward without a break or pause It's a then, it's now, it's an is and a was It's impatiently restless and may leave you behind Be sure to move quickly with your body or mind It ticks during commotions and all peaceful slumbers What an interesting concept that tracks life by repetitive numbers
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