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terra loop
Updated: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:01 pm
Hey all! My name is Tee, I started writing at a super young age and it has always been my form of release from everything. I have survived a life of trauma, addiction, recovery, loss, motherhood, death, and then some. I write mostly recovery poetry but I have many interests. I hope you enjoy!
I see children laughing I see people holding hands I see balloons escaping through the air I see dogs playing I see babies growing and parents aging slowly. But they can not see me... I live on the other side I see success and fruitility I see compassion and hope I see friendship and accountability But it can not find me I live on the other side. A thin breakable barrier one that seems impossible, holds me in darkness and deep deep despair. It keeps me in doubt and chains me to this wall of relentless suffering and pain. I want what you have ... But I live on the other side I find God, meditation, faith and love I find peace and surrender and passion for life I find the light I made it to the other side....
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by terra loop
HEAD SPACE (31/08/2018)
I saw God today (31/08/2018)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/terraloop
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