The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


The 1000 Monkeys used to be Pop Up Poetry and we still aim to promote poets and encourage poetry lovers who want to enjoy listening and reading their poems to Guildford audiences and beyond. We've been holding spoken word events at the Bar des Arts in Guildford since 2011. This year we've added the Keystone in Guildford to our venues. We run monthly events in both, on the third Tuesday of each month at the Bar Des Arts and on the second Tuesday of the month in the Keystone Pub. Spoken Word at the Bar Des Arts has attracted a loyal group of "regulars" to our open mic and continues to bring in new readers and listeners. There are up to three guest features of 20 minutes each, most months: poets with books to promote, and performance poets, often honing their Edinburgh performances or developing new work. Open mic readers can email or sign up on the night for their five-minute spots. ( In the past two years we've edited and published an annual anthology of work by poets who have read at the Bar Des Arts. The Keystone events are billed as fun slams but at the moment we don't enforce rigorous slam rules - we allow 5 minutes per person (no intros though) and provide prizes to the best three poets for quality of words and delivery. And no-one who enters goes home empty-handed! Each month we have a headline guest, usually a musical performer, after the slam readings finish. ( Dónall Dempsey hosts the nights, while Jan Windle provides back-up, graphics and technical support! We are available to host other gigs and have recently been hosting PoetryJam at the Tea Box in Richmond-upon-Thames. Guildford is 38 minutes by fast train from Waterloo (Portsmouth Harbour via Guildford line) and as Dónall and Jan sally into London at frequent intervals we know that 1000 Monkeys events are accessible to Londoners as well as local poets - we hope you'll agree with us and come and join in!

What we do

(Dónall at the Keystone, September 2014) (Dónall wrapping up the Launch of the Anthology 2014) (Dónall reading at the Tea Box, Richmond, September 2014) (Dónall at the Bar des Arts)

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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