The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Chessplayer

Updated: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 10:27 pm

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There's still so much I want to give this world

Poetry Samples

ILL DESIRE I am made of ill desire As the sun is made of fire And the flames are getting higher One day I will burn IN THE SAME WAY In the same way That falling is not flying Life is not living-- It is dying WALKING BACKWARDS We don't walk backwards Except through time The future is a hill we climb blind

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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The Crescent Moon

Tue 27th Jul 2021 20:04

Thank you for the nice opening move on my recent blog. *winks*
We should play sometime!

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Advaita Singh

Tue 15th Jun 2021 06:52

thank you for your comment on my poem rain. it means a lot to me. well, it's true as well as sad? that people won't notice the beauty of nature, but those who do, fall in love? with it. isn't it?

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Thu 10th Jun 2021 12:16

Shreekius shreekus sumus.

- Julius Shraeker

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 11th Apr 2021 10:59


I've enjoyed your blog entries immensely. You may have noticed that only the most recent one is still shown in its entirety in the blog section, the others having been archived for one month underneath it. After that they are permanently archived under your profile and the monthly listing. In order to garner more views it is best to space out ones output to give other readers more chance to see your work. I hope this is useful.

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