Hello everyone! I am Tripsha Ghosh. My pen name is #Misha . i write for myself and i have been doing this when i was fourteen. you can check my works on Facebook page @Myshasblog or mirakee and yourquote app. You can follow my instagram account @_iamtiya_
I am just a little dark. A little dark, which will outshine your light. A little dark cause my heart is little afraid to make it less light for you. A little dark because you are shimmering and shimmer can't outgrow inside darkness. I am just a little dark, so the distance is much better from the dark if you want to shine. #Misha
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Tripsha Ghosh
"She" (31/07/2018)
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