The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 19 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Wendy Young

Updated: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 06:25 pm

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Performer: London Survivors; Friggers of Speech; Satellite of Love, Bristol; Outside In, Chichester; Together 2012 (Libery Festival and guest poet Three Mills); Utter Lutonia; Shuffle Festival; Girlfriend in a others Publication: Ooetry (London Poets/WCHP; Poems in: Anomalie Magazine; South Bank Poetry Magazine. Online: Natterjack Press; Militant Thistles; I am not a silent poet. Reviewer for Disability Arts Online (DAO); Blog on DAO. Poetry Performance Skills Tutor at Together 2012. Studied with Julia Casterton; Alison Fell; Charles Shaar Murrary


'Speed Freak' .........Going like a Studebaker Getting to the end ‘cause that’s the way you liked it baby! Rope enough to hang yourself Anything to offend A graveller - not a groveller More fire than a Fender Transcendent, resplendent, candescent Jailbait scum, sex offender It was all about that bass ... ‘bout that racy pace bass ..... 'Feel Like' ....Feel like Mrs Miniver on speed/feel like Miss Universe on a bleed Feel like Gail Tilsley in Dior/feel like a Venus Williams low score Feel like Janis Joplin didn’t Cry Cry Baby/feel like Sandy Denny’s Lazy Lady Feel like Greta Garbo wants some company/feel like Mae West came down to see me Feel like Mother Theresa undressed/feel like Dita Von Teese without burlesque Feel like Sophie didn’t have to choose/feel like Ginger Roger’s broken shoes Feel like Marilyn never died/feel like Monroe’s abused hide broken shoes.... Feel like Marilyn never died/feel like Monroe’s abused hide Feel like the Graf Zeppelin Inflated/feel like Jordan’s tits deflated Feel like the biggest sparrow in spring/feel like Piaf regretted everything Feel like Emily Bishop on a high/feel like Eva Peron asking Argentina to cry Feel like Dot Cotton’s son wasn’t rotten/feel like lastest minute dot com Feel like Mary Portas sorted out me shop/feel like Jordan’s assets have dropped 'Norah's Legs' .....Splay as she rests on her Zimmer frame She came into Primark for a bag and bought a pink jumper Norah’s legs are swollen, bulging out of her brown support stockings She pulls up her skirt in the ladylike way of her Revealing her knees, a mesh of messy flesh and points to her swollen ankles ‘They’re bulging out of the bandages, I try to push them in’ Her gentility is moving in a matter of fact comment to her friend ‘Look at that Betty, they’re bulging out’ Betty is supported by her trolley and a walking stick as straight as her tone Bulbous eyes witnessing the damage (‘Betty is 90 you know!’) Norah’s left eye is bloodshot, the lid is dormant .... Review Sample: Add a gin and that's It! Fizz, bang, wallop – what a stage show! There was a parental guidance tip-off in the brochure to prepare the 5.30pm audience “BEWARE: Biscuits, swearing and songs about animal sex are all likely, so if you're easily offended, it isn't the show for you. For everyone else, prepare to be amazed." They're neurologically incapable of staying on message and yes, that's where the fun begins. Crumbs! With thoughts of filling this page with 'biscuit' 500 times it would be too, too easy to miss out 'hedgehog'!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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pauline sewards

Sat 9th Apr 2016 20:07

Great energy, observation and word play in these poems which work well as text and are fantastically good when performed.

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Martin Elder

Thu 24th Mar 2016 19:06

Hi Wendy
Welcome to WOL. Love your samples, particularly 'Feel like' I bet that goes down a storm live.

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