The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Yolan Apoetspoet

Updated: Tue, 6 Aug 2019 09:36 am

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YOLAN APOET’S POET SPOKEN WORD ARTIST, WRITER, ACTOR GOD AND POETRY SAVED MY LIFE. GOD AND POETRY OPEN DOORS FOR ME I NEVER KNEW EXISTED Meet the poet whose heart pulsates with his passion for the art form that saved  his life. Fans proclaim his energy is contagious, his message overdue. The spoken word performer known as Yolan A Poet’s Poet was born in San  Diego, California to working-class parents with their own penchant for writing and  dramatic interpretation. Yolan, a former gang member, has seen the worst and best life  has to offer; both inspire him. After he was nearly felled by a massive heart attack Yolan  sought greater purpose. Poetry became his release. These days, he taps into an  inherent ability to match words to feelings, verse to reason, meters to moments, and  linguistic patterns to deeper meaning. Where many succumb to illness, Yolan  perseveres and channels the rhythm of the manmade chambers implanted inside him to  spread messages of power and pride through every mic he touches.  A history enthusiast, Yolan identifies generational guideposts to pen poems that  resonate and inform. From the scourge of the crack epidemic to the viciousness of Los  Angeles’ gang violence to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and the continuing  plague of racial injustice, his performances thunder with truth, intelligence, and practical  reason. He cunningly adds hints of hip-hop culture and politics into his work to enhance  his broad appeal. Yolan brings reliability to the stage by infusing heartwarming personal  experiences into most of his work. If you listen close enough, you are acutely aware of  the influence Gil Scott-Heron, Dr. Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, Edgar Alan Poe,  Langston Hughes and others have on the artist. The result? Audiences flock to see the  award-winning poet perform at the Houston Improv, Houston’s House of Blues, NRG  Stadium, and top venues in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Louisiana.  Yolan is a published poet, community activist, actor, and motivational speaker  who credits his family and God for bringing him this far. He is currently working on his  second book. Through his affiliation with philanthropic groups including Sol-Caritas and Project Push Forward, he makes altruism a cornerstone of his daily life. Yolan, who  believes everyone must pay acts of kindness and mercy forward), is determined to shine a light on unknowns who possess the gift of spoken word. The promise and success of others empowers him; a characteristic this fearless poet’s poet knows will amplify his narrative for generations to come. To book Yolan A Poet’s Poet for a show or speaking engagement, email


Snip it of poem 1. Every invisible link makes it harder to think... Neck heavy... Although I no longer bare bruises on my wrist... My thoughts believe rusted chains still exist... Used metals that once wrap around ankles... Incarcerate my mind... Crying to break free... While digging in my soul searching for hidden keys... Releasing me from bondage of mental slavery. (c) Yolan A Poets Poet Snip it of poem 2. Lock my heart before the key was created We made agape just to mold the cast to OUR Continental souls.  As melanted frames dance exotically between wet sheets, Goddess is making sure no locksmith can duplicate her kings Hershey essence.  Queen bends to his every will, His lips kisses secret combinations all over her beauty from front to back ensuring know other man can break this safe. Her toes curl, body wraps around him like unbreakable chains. They have maximum prison styled their karma sutra love escapades. Forever hiding blueprints of touch and pleasure. Their hearts lock and key conceal within her Yoni and his resurrection for eternity.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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