Zona Rossa
Is a price I pay
For my mastery of cleverness
And wit
That has cost me all my lovers
Is a reset that resets my Jupiter
But never my Moon.
I wake up ever day feeling tired
And go to sleep awake
Sometimes I think
About the backwardness of my life, that
To give birth first in loneliness
Might be better than dying in love
This constant annoyance and incompetence
And hunger
Feels like washing the same clean set of
Clothes over and over again
And watching them turn round and
Round in the glass eye of the washing machine
How monotonous. How single-lined.
I ache and ache to see something bizarre
But every day it’s the same old thoughts
If years don’t change them and neither do
New places, nor new people,
I can die now knowing that there isn’t
And never has been
Anything more to know than boredom