atlantic/s (03/28/2020)
imagine doing the thankless job of rivets
hold together, you beleaguered son of a bitch
hold together, this heaving, creaking hull
this, sinking, stinking patchwork glory
made at the end of so many stubbed cigars
held wet, by the mouth
while two busy hands
idled towards retirement , pounding away
christening by the light of midnight oils, annointed
(10 in 1!)
in the warbled sounds of static
barely passing as nostalgic rock
while itching bald spots, and brillcreem.
hold together
you cast iron bastard child
tho your lineage is better called an alloy
loosely described and categorized in
mutt culture :
it's a nothing that makes you the best
a nothing that makes you stronger
than the rest
and it's listed just-so
right here in the blue and white and
coffee stains or your technical drawrings
keep whole, keep whole
deeper still
tho smaller you had better not come up less
than you were designed to be
another meter, and another
it may as well be another thousand
numbers losing their meaning
incompressible in their impossible
until you are a single, determined
burning white light
whining pneumatic
penetrating shallowly
into the oppressive dark
but certainly you are still there
aching for the sand and plastic and bedrock rests
for which you were born
and it's only then, as they start to pop
that your appreciation for those rivets
rears an ugly and decisive head.
to be unborn :
and to this life
I am unwed
itching and wet and
q u i e t
despite the screaming .
Martin Elder
Sun 29th Mar 2020 19:10
A very nice piece indeed Zach. I love the sheer earthiness of the description laguage