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Harm's Arms

Let me admit, to you, my fear
of those ghostly hands
twisting the knife
in the belly of our lives

These house-bound blues
echo louder some days
these house-bound blues
and their hypnotically sad song

My memories reach out for you
you’ve changed your number
my happy memories are reaching out
yet we may never speak again

And though estranged
often, I still wonder
of your gently closing eyes 
your winning smile

I want to know you’re safe
amidst these dangerous days
I long to know you’ll remain
well beyond the grip
of harm's arms…

Remember when the two of us
were still on first name terms
with the sweetest laughter
running down those midnight sands

Wherever you are tonight
know I’ll care about you always
I hope you’re sailing through
these toxic times

Stay safe tonight
I long to know for certain
you're far beyond the reach
of harm's arms...



For Mirim.



◄ The Essay

High Tide, Low Life ►


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Thu 30th Apr 2020 10:12

Indeed, Grace, I couldn't agree more ? Thanks for commenting.


Wed 29th Apr 2020 14:03

Such moments are to treasure Tom

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Sat 18th Apr 2020 23:40

Thanks Mika and Po.

And thank you Keith, I'm so glad it resonated. This time does magnify all those thoughts and memories. I just wish there was a way to check in on some old ghosts and make sure they're doing okay.

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keith jeffries

Sat 18th Apr 2020 12:33


This poem echoes well the feelings of many at this time. Memories strangely come to the fore with emotions once again heightened. Beautifully composed.

Thank you for this


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