Lifetime without you
It doesn't get easier, it never will
You are gone and the world is remaining still
All those happy memories even bad ones, i will hold close
My heart is shattered, my best friend doesn't have a pulse.
There's so much i want to tell you, so much you need to hear
The fact that im alone again is enough to trigger the fear
But, i know you would say be strong he doesn't deserve your tears
I cant even look forward to anything in the upcoming years
It's just a reminder that you won't be here
I know you want me to be happy, but how can i be
The best friend i had for 16 years is no longer with me
A part of me will always be shattered, I'll never be the same
Damn, i wish you would just answer when i call out your name
I wish this never happened to you, i know you didn't want to die
But when god looked down and saw your tired face, he knew it was time.
I just shatter at the thought of it being a lifetime.
Vance Adams- 12/20/91-12/15/2019 <3
Sat 18th Apr 2020 20:10
How troublingly sad. ?