Political Science
Generally, all Sciences seek the ultimate good
For the Individual.
But Political Science seeks the ultimate 'goodness' goal
For the Community above that of the Individual.
Subject to much opinion, throughout civilised history.
In 'crowd management', control is the greatest factor,
Preferably with co-operation and not coercion.
In a 'co-operative' society opinions push their points
Until persuasion reigns or opposition bullies
To a particular conclusion.
Government is a tough, thankless business.
I suppose, then, that a dictatorship
Could claim the best mores of political science,
Putting Society first.
Except it tends to be according to 'My Opinion' only
Backed by armed force.
It is not impossible that a singular stance
Could be outstanding in its social concept.
Just not likely.
'Power corrupts' we are told sagely,
And History supports.
'And Total Power corrupts totally'.
As History proves.
Is that really a truism?
Or just a truism thus far
In human evolution?
<Deleted User> (18118)
Mon 27th Apr 2020 18:11
This is fascinating writing. Very relevant to what is happening with governments and science and the Virus.
It calls into play the ideas of forcing things onto people 'for their own good' among other things.
Enjoyed reading this.