The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Buried alive

entry picture

I’m wriggling my toes,

But nobody knows.

I’m Giggling and trapped.

But then she cracked.

I can’t breathe,

Now that i can leave.

The pressure is rising,

Their smiles are dying.

They don’t understand;

Just fucking stand.

-She’s only made out of sand.

You’re being immature

And an attention whore.

Shes my captor,

Holding me in a coma

-She’s like a blanket.

Don’t say that.

You’ve been tricked:

collusion in all this confusion.

They say drowning is peaceful,

If you don’t struggle.

Today could be the day,

To make the pain go away,

Your heart is beating again.

Time to take action:

No more anathesia 

-You don’t need her,

Where you’re going.

Other option: bludgeon her.

Now I’m laughing!

I hate her but

I don’t want to hurt her.

We’re salty and wet,

It could be the sweat

From fighting for years,

Or from my tears:

I mourn our life,

pointless as a knife.

It’s the sea,

They’ll all see...





◄ everything

Norma’s genes are not human ►


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