In Grip Of Silence
Maybe the cats are meandering on another street
and the snails amble minutely in the lawn.
The drenched dogs gambole in a neighbouring field.
The slick pebbles shield insects from sight
the ambititious ants bustle there
whilst soggy branches whisper over
budding bluebells and a bunch of yellow flowers
Potential pedestrains prevaricate indoors
Mulling over domestic choices.
curled up with a book
whilst streamed windows blur
Cars sigh, relieved in garages
or lie idol in the torrent.
Their helplessness apparent:
yearning to start their heaters blowing
and their wipers swishing
No planes streak the sky today
clouds remain unsevered
swolen with moisture for the fall.
Pace is absent
silence grips the street.
Tension has taken leave,
letting my thoughts close their eyes
at this indescernable time
Andy N
Tue 4th May 2010 08:20
enjoyed this, emma.. i like writing about silence and the gaps in real life where nothing happens.. particularly like the image of cats in the first bit.. good stuff - keep it going! x