Corrigendum : Blue Scarf Yellow Suit
It was actually green and I hadn’t any clue
I penned down lines thinking it’s blue
Stanza after stanza inspired by the subject
Perhaps I was mesmerized, perhaps it’s true.
The subject threw light on my thoughts
And I weaved praise of all sorts.
There was a gush of guilt within me then,
While my poem had topped the charts.
Reception wrong yet the lines made some sense
Inspired I was and to me that’s the essence…
Fascination had bit me and so did the halo,
The feeling with which I wrote was very intense.
I reached out to the angel and sought the clarity
The angel paused for a while and with parity,
Did ask me, “it is why…”
And bestowed upon me a relative similarity.
Had it not been the angel, I’d have been in dark
Subject-blinded when subject itself was the spark…
I owe gratitude to the angel for timely intervention,
The angel’s grace left behind a very sacred mark.
Formation of newer thoughts, newer opus
The angel shall remain always my locus
Reframed subject with an objective clear…
I am drawn into it with an energized focus.