The 200th British soldier killed in Iraq.
How can I be useful, of what service can I be? Vincent Van Gogh
Weather brings rain
and smells of death
and the promise of roses
and the moon throws its beams
over empty ground.
A cold wind plays around
and trunks bow their heads
and flowers lives in poverty
and a lone bird mourns
for everything that's lost.
It's late but I can't sleep
and think of desert heat,
and think of our soldiers
and they dream of home
their bright uniforms.
kealan coady
Sat 8th May 2010 12:27
dream of going home? sorry now but they werent forced. The days of conscription are over.I'll feel sorry for a british soldier the day they find wmd's (and probably not even then). Theres always poems on this feeling pity for the imperialist forces but never any sympathy for the maimed and murdered civillian men, women and children of Iraq/Afghanistan. But I suppose no sympathy for them because the media in this country makes sure it doesnt even cross the minds of the population.