Pyrrhic victory
Oh envy!
You're singularly driven by your jealousy.
You rob the talented.
You deny them well deserved acclaim.
You slaughter rising stars,
with your sharpened words.
You drown their artistic endeavours,
in your bile filled pool.
When you awaken at dawn,
and read the account of,
your harsh criticism driven by envy,
will you proudly boast,
of your pyrrhic victory?
Unharmed by your envy,
the self assured,
victim of your assault,
will rise above your petty jealousy;
and, will continue to pursue excellence.
Abdul Ahmad
Wed 24th Jun 2020 09:39
Po, RoseMary and Shifa
Thank you all for your priceless criticisms of this hastily scribbled poem. Your indication of like is the encouraging icing on the cake.