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heavy with green

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In the woods the trees are heavy with green

but it is cold for May.

The fat brown dog shambles her way along the stream.

Quiet scatterings of wood anemones pale as ghosts

gather under hedgerows

and a few thin bluebells hang their heads,

ink blue.


The trees are heavy with green.

The colour hangs like guilt,

a soft miasma of potential sadness

yet to unfurl.

A haziness of intentions masks

the sharp black branches of winters truth.


The valley is narrow and deep.

Here and there a new stream joins,

stained red with iron.

A heavy day filled with moisture.

Sometimes spring can be a disappointment.


We lift the fat brown dog into the car

and give her water after her exertions.

The slap slap slap of her tongue seems reassuring.


But I look up and lose myself

in the haze of springtime.

A time to fool you.

A time to lull your real life away.

A time when the trees are heavy with green.





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Greg Freeman

Wed 19th May 2010 08:41

I liked the sharp natural observation in this, Ann, such as:
"The valley is narrow and deep.
Here and there a new stream joins,
stained red with iron"
It's well crafted. "Heavy with green" is ambivalent about it all. The downbeat tone reminds me of the song, Spring Can Really Hang you Up the Most.

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 19th May 2010 05:30

Thanks Banksy - yep, I spelt it wrong - it's just one of those words! (Like definately/definitely - gets me very time!) And thanks for other comments too guys. xx

<Deleted User> (7073)

Wed 19th May 2010 01:49

I liked this Anne, love poems about nature, this one is tinged with a little sadness though.
PS love the new picture

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Anthony Emmerson

Wed 19th May 2010 00:54

Hi Ann,

This reminded me of:

And, if I'm allowed to slightly modify my previous comment, that voice is extremely seductive!


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winston plowes

Tue 18th May 2010 23:18

Hi Ann, Liked this. Things are indeed 'heavy with green' at the moment. Bluebells Have also been on my mind a lot lately. Good to see your new pic, keep posting. Win x

<Deleted User> (7212)

Tue 18th May 2010 22:31

Hi - I dont know if the word "loose" was intentional, but it works in a quirky way - adds a different slant to the last verse.

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