My Safe Place
A deep calming breath.
Take in the oxygen, let it fill your aching lungs.
Blow out the pain and the suffering into a the air,
Free it from the shackles of your body. It felt like a stranger.
Feel your fingers tingle as the blood rushes up and back down.
Feel your soul leave the confines of your physical being.
Don't be afraid. You are still here. You are in the world,
Your body is still part of the world. Wiggle your toes, they are still there.
Take my hand and float away to your Place.
What is that? Why, you know already, my darling.
The sky is forget-me-not blue,
Slivers of cotton dot themselves across it.
The Sun shines hot and strong, juxtaposed by
The gentle carress of the cool, sweet breeze.
The grass around you is seemingly endless,
A tapestry of wild flowers sway to and fro, glistening
As they suck the sunlight from the sultry air.
The bees and butterflies float delicately, carried
By the wind, ever grateful for the life they possess.
A river winds its way through the field and over the
Distant, almost unattainable horizon. The water
gurgles playfully, enjoying the warmth of the Sun
and the ease of it's downhill trajectory.
This is your Place.
A world full of effervescent joy is your home.
This world is full of quiet, of peace, of calm and
lightness. There is no suffering, there is no pain.
There is only life, and your serendipity heart can
take itself out to stretch its cramped limbs.
For so long, it has waited to be brought here.
It longs to bask in the beating Sun, to bathe in the
Splashing river. It dances with the bees, rolls in
The soft grass, smells the fragrant flowers.
You are safe here. You are always welcome here.
Your Place will always be waiting for you.
Kevin T.S. Tan
Mon 27th Jul 2020 09:38
definitely inspiring. please keep writing!