A Fairy Tale
In spring times
all day long
he dances besides
the stream
where the faries
dwell in the trees
that line the bank
of the rushing waters
All night long
he gazes at
the twinkling stars
and dreams of
touching them
and soothes
himself to sleep
in summer times
all day long
he merrily marches
up and down the
glen with the faries
gathering wildflowers
to make a garland
for the fairy queen
he sits by the
bonfire at nights
and is entertained to sleep
by the faries
in the daylight hours
in autumn he watches
with great sadness
the faries
dismantle their
arboreal palaces.
And in the darkness
of the nights
he bids farewell
to the faries caravan
leaving for unknown land
and cries himself to sleep
in winter
he too vanishes
to an unknown place
and like the faries
he'll return
again next spring
Abdul Ahmad
Thu 23rd Jul 2020 18:45
Thank you for your "like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind" type analysis of this blog.
Life is a supreme journey. Who knows what will happens here tomorrow? Life will come to an end one day. Death will visit one day. Why be afraid of such inevitable matters?
Thank you for striking the like.