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Silence in the language

is the absence of speech,

silence in the conversation

can be remarkable and rich.


Silence is an atmosphere you make

and it is the situation you break.

Sometimes it tells you more

than thousand words told before.


Silence is a feeling

which is very intensive,

poorly created

it can be very offensive.


Silence can be so different,

it has a lot of meanings,

it’s an expression of yourself,

it shows your feelings.


There is a silence

that brings you peace

and you feel yourself

being at your ease


There is a silence of mystery

like being in a dark wood,

there is a silence of happiness

when you are loved and understood.


There is a silence in music

when you listen to it and dream

but…suddenly…it stops,

and then the sounds come to their extreme.


The prayer in silence

is your inner world,

you dream in silence

and …you are not heard.


Silence is golden

or so I’ve heard

but… it sometimes hurts more

than a single told word.


Silence is golden

or so goes a lie,

this silence of fraud

do not need a reply.


Silence when you are in love

you do not need words,

silence when you are fooled

and do not know what to say afterwards.


But the best moment of silence

when you hold my hand,

I look at your eyes and understand:

It’s love, it’s happiness.



Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)

◄ Wreck of hopes

To my favourite student Sonya ►


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Andy N

Fri 21st May 2010 08:14

i write about silence too sometimes and look into the gaps inbetween it... the things you may miss if you don't look carefully..

i could really relate to this - your best one on here yet, I felt..

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 20th May 2010 20:35

Thank you, dear Lynn.

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Lynn Dye

Thu 20th May 2010 20:14

A lovely poem, Larissa, with a lot of truth in there.

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