Endless uneven steps
lead the way
No handrail here
Not now
Not then
Nothing to prevent a clumsy fall
onto unforgiving stone
Only the cold wall to try to cling to
as a metal-clad warrior rushes past
desperate to do his duty
Best hide your phone;
He’s not a fan and he is not averse
to giving the odd unsuspecting tourist
a shove if he’s that way out
I wouldn’t chance it
His mood depends on the weather
and on the heartiness of his latest meal
Accidents happen
And no-one would ever see his involvement
or admit it, even if they had
Stay focussed
Let your eyes adjust to the shadows
and do your damnedest to reach the top
in once piece
It’s a great view from up there
I’d say worth the effort and the risk
But use the halfpace wisely;
Breathe in. Take stock
Decide if you have the guts to continue
Good luck
30 lines, 157 words written for contest
Write a poem that incorporates the word halfpace.
Definition of halfpace. 1: a raised floor or dais or a platform or footpace at the top of steps (as for a throne or an altar) 2: a landing of a staircase like a broad step between two half flights — compare quarterpace.