Florida in April..
I've seen my fair share of cynical "makes no sense" and it's made no sense..
Rivers of tears afraid to test a current/affairs between men and women, unhappy that it turned out exactly like they said it would/you or wouldn't you?
I would.
But that's only because I like bloody knuckles and bent knees.. I'm a pray for you/and yours. Traded. For them and theirs/where you end and I begin/again.
I've seen my fair share of cynical Makes. No. Sense..
And it's made no cents, so keep saving up/up and away/from here. From there. From fairy tale "already tolds" to tell me again, tell all's..
I told you it all, already..
Whispering what not's at wandering passers-by's/rubber necking the worst of it all, because why not/now.
It's too early in the AM for who I AM..
Set your clocks back just to waste time.. but gravitate towards the little hand, cuz in a minute, well only have second/chances are hard come by..
Brave little toasters making toast.
Isn't that what they're supposed to do/you or don't you/want to know the truth/is I don't fucking know either..
Escape make believe with with the security blanket you built your fort with.. Pillow fight your way into the dreams you haven't had yet, because the tossing leaves you turning new leaves on old trees, until the brush is on fire and the skyline stays lit..
Everyone needs a night light/up my life?
This is for you, not me..
My times already passed/failed/