Flowers In The Bath
Rosebay, willow-herb and common poppy
Garnish each enchanting meadow
Sweet fragrances and alluring hues
Draw rapt villagers to every window
Flowers can be double-edged swords
Marking endless sorrow and pain
I can recall the time my father died
The old tin bath where wreaths were lain
Deadly nightshade or belladonna
Lurks on limestone and dry chalk
Consume those lush black berries
Perhaps you nevermore will walk
Flowers are double-edged swords
Marking endless sorrow and pain
I can recall the time my father died
The old tin bath where wreaths were lain
Bumblebees and their kin hover and weave
Performing floral miracles we can't believe
Flowers are double-edged swords
Marking endless sorrow and pain
I can recall the time my father died
The old tin bath where wreaths were lain