Gangster Town
Gangster Town
A giant gothic structure
where concrete blocks
keep democracy at bay
Gangster Town
a wind tunnel
an echo chamber
of futile banter
Gangster Town
the talking shop
of little earthly use
a cavern of deceit
Gangster Town
the casino of corruption
where nests are feathered
and plummage preened
Gangster Town
a Victorian facade
of international noteriety
and psuedo nobility
Gangster Town
drinks at cut prices
expenses paid in full
a place to nod off
Gangster Town
the throbbing pulse
where tangled veins
weave sack cloth for the poor
Gangster Town
a protected fortress
against its own kind
a bastion of limpid democracy
Gangster Town
where propoganda is born
to seduce and cheat
to promise and not fulfil
Abdul Ahmad
Wed 19th Aug 2020 21:45
Strong beat provided by the repitition so skillfully employed. Enjoyed the uncompromising finger pointing at the wrong dooers and the wrongs done.
Thank you for this.