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Hell knows no fury

How come
The heart-wrenching
And the  unexpected
Widow's grief

The lady in black
Soon defying
Funeral decorum
Put on pink clothes
Decency that lack
Simply to attack
A deceased
Cheating husband
Whose unfaithfulness
Kept in the dark
Soon after funeral
Became stark!

Aghast adultery
Hell knows no fury.


adulteryangrybitter and twistedcheatingconfusiongriffparadoxsadunfaithfulness

◄ Enigma

Pat Ethiopia on the back than stab it in the back ►


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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Sun 23rd Aug 2020 12:44

Thx for constructive comments!
I think that is the objective of WoL !

I will not rush in the future though I'm tied down by a workload.

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kJ Walker

Sun 23rd Aug 2020 11:28

I think that it's brilliant, an brave to write and post poetry in a second language.
WOL should be a safe place to post such works. Positive feedback is always appreciated.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
I think that for someone to pick up on a simple typo, and mock is unfair. As you say, we couldn't write a single word in your first language.
Thanks for posting

Cheers Kevin

Ps I think it should read " hell knows no fury" (no apostrophe in hell and only one r in fury)

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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Sun 23rd Aug 2020 10:25

Hell-knows-not fury.
I wanted to use compound adjective instead of the expression hell knows no fury. It was deliberate as per poetic license.

Be specific in your comment.
Literary competence is required to give a comment. Simply knowing language doesn't suffice.

I did get a positive feedback from readers who got the gist in other blogs like allpoetry.
"Rhymin Pearl - A well written poem indeed I enjoyed the reading of it ?. Keep going and thanks for sharing"

I write poems in the language to be acquired.Hence I outsmart you as you could not write a single poem in my language even if allowed to toil the rest of your life.
Why is that your profile picture shows a loose mouth?

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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Sat 22nd Aug 2020 19:20

Thx u r right!


Sat 22nd Aug 2020 10:47

I guess that must be pet hell then.

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