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Crusoe's Inflatable

in acute distress is where I was

firing flares or else lighting fires

engraving SOS on the sandy beach

for want of any telegraph wires


I watched for sails on the horizon

every day I searched the skies

I kept a careful log of my every day,

alone, its amazing how time flies


I quickly got sick of coconuts

fish all began to taste the same

goats and chickens are tolerable

but not the same as wild game


one day an inflatable washed up

with two young bodies that I buried

as I dug and prayed I pondered

from what cruel hell they'd hurried


life in a world without a future

daily persecuted for your belief

breeds alternate hope and despair

you die, or flee to secure relief


then you showed on the horizon

as I was packing my provisions

damp but alive and beautiful

I thought I was having visions


life in a world without a future

daily persecuted for your belief

breeds alternate hope and despair

you die, or flee to secure relief


right now, you speak little English

your native tongue is a mystery

I'm confident we'll soon converse

I want to understand your history


life in a world without a future

daily persecuted for your belief

breeds alternate hope and despair

you die, or flee to secure relief


a larger craft drifts across the bay

its rusty mast has a bit of a bend

at last I'm part of a community,

finally, my solitude is at an end



◄ Everest Rose

Exodus ►


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