Half-Fallen Rain
he could not make her out
at close quarters but afar
smiling yes but acting no
near, yet distant as a star
like rain falling half-way
a tide trapped out at sea
an infant sapling stunted
a blossom without a bee
brows furled with doubt
mouth unstable not still
eye contact fraying, lost
signals iced by inner chill
curious blend, rare alloy
what elements got fused
within this cypher, is she
damaged hurt, or abused?
wild behind shy facades?
furnace in a frosty cradle
amalgam of molten pain
bronzing her crystal ladle
body language scrambled
half-smiles a knotted rope,
mien spun high-wire tight
moist hand spurning hope
in her mirror sees a stanger
skin cladding but half a frame
open to read or else interpret
except that this is not a game
self-conscious schoolgirl wit,
inverted under stilted eyes
can't learn the rules, the type
when she goes home, she cries