Human warmth by a homeless guy
"Homlessness due to the pandemic is on the up,
I sit in the city centre shivering holding my cup.
I'm viewed as an unsightly nuisance on the street,
Isolated from the rest of the community, begging to eat.
The slide towards homlessness for me was slow,
On a gradual fall through social safety nets I did go.
Bad choices in life got me into this situation,
Unemployed begging for a meal outside the station.
One day a lady as I begged passed me by,
Looked at me with a warm glow in each eye.
Bent over and gave me a cardboard sign,
Saying,"I could be a relative of thine."
I held the sign up ,the response was great,
The human response of passers by improved my fate..
Human warmth is where help compassionately starts,
My cup and mind were overwhelmed by many kind hearts."
Robert Haigh
Sat 12th Sep 2020 21:07
Every time I visit the city of Leeds I see lots of homeless people, and most of them are polite and gracious. I give money to one person each visit. I can't help them all, but I try to do my bit. I hope the money goes on food, but the choice is theirs. Once that money is in their possession it is theirs to do with as they see fit. Dark days for the homeless just now.