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One More Moondance, My Love

Originally published in Clay Literary’s RAVEN:

A cool October evening presented itself in front of us, 
the full moon in the sky hovered above, and the tension 
between us lent itself to lyrics that resonated to every 

following Autumn. ‘Can I just have one more Moondance 
with you, my love?’ you sang as we walked arm in arm. It 
was our first song, my first song sung to me. And to this 

day, the smile, the tone of your voice, the way you 
captured me, still sends shivers right through me. 
From the first taps of the piano to the trumpet blaring 

three-quarters of the way through, it all sends me back 
to you. I halt everything to remember your voice, your smile, 
to be wrapped in a moment with you once again.



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