The Crab
No matter your patience
Or how long you wait
You can't change his motion
Or alter his gait
He'll scamper and shuttle
He'll dodge and he’ll weave
And just why he does it
You cannot conceive
Watch with some wonder
While rolling your eyes
He'll veer side to side
While you swallow your sighs
He won't get embarrassed
He won't feel ashamed
He's doing it his way
He will not be blamed
For that is his nature
The way he was born
Don't try to change him
You'll increase his scorn
While most have evolved
To move forwards, it's true
He can't understand
Why we do what we do
He gets where he wants to
He's got his own style
And we'll watch fascinated
In awe for a while
He does what he does
And you never will teach
I observe, but don't honor
That crab on the beach
Aristophanes said "You cannot teach a crab to walk straight."