All's well and perfectly fine
All's well that begins well
If the beginning ain't right
The end is sure filled with frights
Nothing exists but stupid fights
All's well written is applauded
Things written for heck of it is bombarded
People are happy to read things well schemed
Plots without any theme aren't in mainstream
All's not fair in love and war
Principled marching is better guarded
Those who just go killing babies and elderly aren't morally clean
Who wouldn't give a shit to a person, crimsoned with ugly streaks
All good is from God alone
None can kill you nor make
The ability is in Allah's hand alone
So always remain hopeful of good things bring bestowed
<Deleted User> (24283)
Fri 25th Sep 2020 12:33
Quite an extreme thought leveled here Po.
As far as I'm concerned I know I play an important part in the grand scheme of my Almighty God.....part of giving hope, smiles, joy, laughter, happiness, dreams, desires and everything good.
Speak good or remain silent.
Do good or do nothing.
It's in the grand scheme of the almighty that every good is eliminated by bad and vice versa.....this keeps a check on extremists activities globally.
Our God is a God of love, peace, justice. But there are laws of nature and divine laws that have an equal and opposite reaction to every action.
Those who leave their affairs In the hands of God, ultimately see divine vengeance taken for them. So I'm the kind who sits back and sees the whole damn show....hehehe
Those who go around F*******g others are f*****d ultimately.
I love finding solutions to every problem and I STRICTLY BELIEVE THAT THERES A SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM. we just need to be considerate, kind, just and selfless.
What help do you need Po?