Winter fades as spring melts
Distant snow like gleaming candles
Waiting feverishly for
Golden flames of sunlight
Dancing in the summer sun
Racing clouds nod to
Gleeful birds gliding naked and mating
Straddled to wet and swooning trees
Delirious with laughter and primal need
While butterflies fly sweetly
Soft as breath on stone
Cool ice melting fingers
Touched by throbbing summer
Waking sheathes of green and golden grass
Deer come out
To lie in cooling shades and
Foxes roam gravel roads that
Rise and fall in summer heat as
Metal cars roar
And squirrels flee from
Rock and roll laughter
And young hair flies in breezes whipped and
Twisted chasing tail and young girls
Scream and young men coo and metal cars fade
And summer hangs
And lovers retire in thick bushes to
Muss their hair and fold their clothes
And sigh and twist
And pass the summer staring
At old men picking garbage while
Squirrels gossip, brown ponds splash
And quiet haze gives way to autumn's
Crisp brown empty spirits leaving
To move back and strip their heads
As mothers fume and gossip forms
And eyebrows lift
The autumn breeze approaches
Aimless wanderers
Who wander off to feed and sleep
On distant mountains
The wind gathers teeth
And rain approaches
Arching its back to send curtains
Flying while someone laughs and
Someone whispers
And lovers stand like frozen icicles
Before irate fathers
And raindrops fall and men flee and
Birds fly and frogs sleep and
Foxes burrow and
Classrooms eyes nod sleepily
And inside tender childlike bodies
Beautiful babies
Are waiting to be born