When it rains can we be the blackout again
the one-hundred-and-forty-four gun salute
while stepping through waves of molten glue
and gauze skies siphon ink in this pen
Turquoise and amber lights, and lightning
I run inside Clive's carmine scrapbook
bent like a cigarette, a screamed kaleidoscope
oh merrie band were they; the fighting
1.6 million, at the turn of the century
spun on flapped wings of dust and grit
wheels strain beneath the procession
with sweat fresh stockpiled for re-entry
And could we travel over and backward
falling through years to ancient days
clouded slopes carving light and shade
and old faces dug hot from diamond
Alone again, above cooling city streets
I'm freeze-framed on embers of knives
chiselled between pillar and pool, thrown
to the sunrise by the whooping parakeets
Stephen Atkinson
Wed 7th Oct 2020 18:12
Erm... What Greg said!