Of all the things that you’ve ever taken for granted the most wondrous is You.
It’s a pretty good bet that you have never considered how truly amazing you are.
You are made up of billions of atoms, totally inert, lifeless and indestructible.
They have been totally inert, lifeless and indestructible since time began.
They will continue to be so until time runs out.
But for one tiny flash in the eons of eternity they will combine to be You.
A thing of incalculable improbability.
A thing composed of entirely lifeless parts combining to make a whole with something called “Life”.
How this happens is beyond comprehension.
It is and you are truly amazing.
kJ Walker
Sun 11th Oct 2020 07:55
You've lost your bet I'm afraid John. I wake up every morning and consider how truly amazing I am.