I love him for his innate vulnerability
so I can massage those florid areas
of soreness to restore
confidence and bring healing
I shower petals of affection on his
trembling inner self
where darkness and doubt lie
in an abyss of inbred fear
His spontaneous outbursts of love
are fountains of intense colour
I am forever intrigued by his
evolutionary process as one would
be startled to find new life in
dry bones
bursting forth in a tropical
forest of lurid splendour
He is unassuming with a quiet dignity
a nobility found in his penetrating
alluring eyes
His modesty, a veil without
Solitude punctuated by a
sociable ocean of engagement
charge the essence of his being
Sculptured in originality
wounded and restored
concealed and revealed
a work of true human art
keith jeffries
Sun 25th Oct 2020 11:21
Shifa and Stephen,
Thank you for your comments.