How much we would like to say...
How much we would like to say.
How little we say in reality.
How often we are afraid
And hide our souls in vanity.
How seldom we speak with each other
Because we are always in a hurry.
We make just a short breather
Thinking of our own worries.
How little we give the warmth
To those who badly need it,
Thinking of our own life storms
Write a short chit and forget it.
Wouldn’t it be better
To look at each others faces,
To ask questions that matter
And not to live as on the races.
Wouldn’t it be better for all
To see each others souls,
To break the indifferent wall
And make it the main goal.
Wouldn’t it be better if we start to speak
And tell the things we wanted to tell,
But we are still so tired and weak
And hide our souls in our own shells.
Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)
Thu 10th Jun 2010 15:59
Aye Larisa, this is nice work. I think that you could develop it though, so you are not bound by rhyming couplet. Your work is certainly worth developing. Keep writing Larisa.