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My Feelings.

They come

They go


With you

Eat me up

They do

In ways

I never thought

My heart knew

My feelings

They come

They go


With you.

◄ As Sure as Eggs are Eggs.

For. ►


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Thu 10th Jun 2010 15:21

Hi georgina, i wouldnt mind reading some more work of yours. Have just read this, it is short and sweet but makes me feel that you are capable of writing more elaborate work. Maybe you have, i will just have to trawl through some to see what else you write. Nice simple piece that does say more than its few words.



<Deleted User> (6517)

Thu 10th Jun 2010 13:26

ta andy n.

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Andy N

Thu 10th Jun 2010 08:17

Lot going on here, Georgina and I think the use of very short lines is good (although I know people who would hate it somewhat)although I reckon I would get mixed up performing it - lol

Nice stuff however..

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