Halloween's lamb
There're demons by the window
Crying their way into the room
The doors are locked tight
With verses spelt on it right
It's Halloweens approximately
Although just a night to go
Here the witches are well prepared
To serve the good to demons altar
The comrades gone hiking
They are busy enjoying
Whilst few good lay ready
As sacrificial lamb for demonic souls
Would you pull her out of this hell
Or will she die crying tears of fears
Although she has the Verses recited from the holy book
Yet her soft gentle soul dreads on bed thinking what would come
Vampires, witches, ghosuls and their wicked party folks
All are ready to cut her throat as if she were a goat
This dark and dingy night is when they planned to kill
Or may be she just a story on Halloweens fabricating
The morning will only tell the tale of bravery or sacrifice
The powers that shall win and would be covercome
Its all a day to go before the story true shall unfold
It'd be in her favour that is what an angel foretold
Ghazala lari
Sat 31st Oct 2020 14:59
Yes, I made it to morrow Sir Paul....and even tomorrow I.A.?