Twisted Roots
Alone stands modern man, product of products for
Hair, skin, white-teeth, tan; ethos came shop bought and canned.
Artificed for ease of use synthetic fibres force away
Weather’s organic abuse, like a magnet repellent to life.
Even here, in this place where the pace of life slows into seasons,
Time and space to replace care with a deep ancient harmony,
Data streams from pocket seems in search of recent football scores
And shopping lists, reems of chatter inconsequential at best,
Interrupting an olden peace, understood of centuries
A pact long beholden by mother nature and expanding man.
Come as you may, whatever dishevelled manner of being
But an open heart will ever be repaid with blissful respite.
Yet here, in recent years, man must walk in solid shoes to guard
His soles, and belay fears he may inherit discomfort from
These twisted roots.