Can you hear me Mother?
Can you hear me Mother?
Since you've been gone, I just can't cope
Looking after this place is a flaming joke
I miss your apple pie with a glass of gin
It's no picnic keep living out of a tin
Can you hear me Mother?
Why did you have to up and die?
In all your life you never hurt a fly
It doesn't seem fair that you have gone
And did you know that Eileen woman
has taken up with your Ron?
Can you hear me Mother?
The rent man still calls and gets no answer
I pretend I'm not in and watch the Pink Panther
With Peter Sellers as Inspector Clueso
And him who sneaks up behind and does the judo
Can you hear me Mother?
Remember the day you made that stew?
More than enough for me and you
It had onions in it, shallots and noodles
Not exactly right for our own pet poodle
Poor thing ate loads and had seconds too
It was fine till it poo'd all over your shoes
None of us thought it was serious you see
But the vet disagreed and put him to sleep
You never got over that tragedy
And we found you in't chair just after tea
Can you hear me Mother?
Are you there Mother?
Can you hear me?
The Urban Poet