Moments of the past do not last
days kicked into the long grass
A warm early-summer’s day
gold petals bloom today.
stormy-autumn comes
later, flurries of snow melt in the air
into a body without heat
Frozen snow above
tumbling-heaps of red, gold, brown
used to crisp-crackle underfoot
like old ghosts who lose their threads,
Druggies: their fragile, skin
eyes like slits
echo the savage-silent-dead
memories-lost, nights storm-tossed inside a head .
Dust-motes float,
like gossamer threads,
soon, be dead.
stones glitter in the rain
words you thought, but never said,
the very eye of the storm
the vortex:
a moment of calm,
Old-ghosts finally-fled,
into the very heart of life
gripped by chapped, red-raw hands
above lost-time’s silent beating drum.